Thursday, March 26, 2015

Seven Deadly Sisters - Wrath

Wrath I

I would not mess with this woman. To say she has a temper would be putting it mildly. Maybe she has anger issues because she is always alone, or maybe she is always alone because of her anger issues. Either way she is destructive when she is mad and I did my best not to get on her bad side. Of course I would never tell her to her face she has a bad side, I value my life too much!
Wrath II

Wrath is definitely not PETA friendly by looking at her attire. I of course would never take issue with this with her. Though who knows maybe it is faux fur so she can keep up appearances. I hope you enjoyed my little trip with the Seven Deadly Sisters.

Dress: Fallen Gods Inc. & Faida~ Circe, Wrath~ Dress
Pauldrons: cloud - shoulder - spiked silver/copper/copper
Shoes: *{Junbug}* Vintage Leather Slippers -  (Flat Slink)
Hair: Exile::Blown Away
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands  - Casual
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Flat
Mouth: Loud Mouth - Alli
Skin: [ MUDSKIN ]_Rose, The Bloom6_E3_Pinky Tan (at The Chapter Four)
Eyes: {S0NG} :: Yuki~ Dark Blue Eye
Eyelashes: *MC* "Falsies" Eyelash - Upper
Poses: RACK Poses - Adaline Pose Set and RACK Poses - Veni, vidi, vici! Female Pose (gacha)

Photos taken here.

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