Friday, March 27, 2015

I'm not lost...

...I am just temporarily misplaced. You see I always heard if you go into the woods and you are quiet you can see the teddy bears having a picnic. Maybe I was too loud or maybe it was the wrong woods, but before I knew it the sun had set.
Lost at night

Lucky for me there was a full moon out so I wasn't completely in the dark. I guess for my own safety I should just stay here for the night. One of these day I will find those teddy bears having a picnic!
Moonlit night

Hopefully I will be safe till the sun rises. I have heard that wolves like to lurk in the woods as well.

Dress: Wimey: La Vie En Rose Purple (at The Kawaii Project)
Shoes: *katat0nik* (black) Wingtip Pumps (at The Kawaii Project)
Collar: lassitude & ennui - Viola lace collar antique / white lace
Hair: ::Exile::Thinking out Loud
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - Casual
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Mid
Skin: [ MUDSKIN ]_Madam A1_E5_Pinky Tan ( at Cosmopolitan)
Eyes: {S0NG} :: Yuki~ Dark Blue Eye
Eyelashes: *MC* "Falsies" Eyelash - Upper
Poses: .mien. poses

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