Thursday, April 23, 2015

Mean Auntie Phire

It's that time of year again when my little niece Livy comes to visit me while her parents take off on a vacation. After last when I nearly fell down the stairs tripping on her toys I was a little more strict with clean up time. I know it's mean, but I value my limbs and their state of unbroken-ness.
Clean up time

I am not a slave driver I promise. I may have made sure she got every spot on t he rug, but she did get a treat afterwards.
ice cream time

See I am not a taskmaster. I rewarded her hard work with a big ol' ice cream cone. She wasn't exactly in the sharing mood, not that I can really blame her.

I wore
Shirt: *Fishy Strawberry* New York Deep V Shirt  - Red
Jeans: Maitreya Boyfriend Jeans - Dark
Shoes: Ingenue :: Pandora Flats (Slink Feet Add-On) :: Ivory
Hair: ::Exile::Flying Over the Dateline
Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands  - Casual and Point
Feet: Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Flat
Skin: -Glam Affair - Katra skin [ Jamaica ] Party  (at Collabor88)
Eyes: {S0NG} :: Yuki~ Dark Blue Eye
Eyelashes: *MC* "Falsies" Eyelash - Upper

Livy Wore
Outfit: That's So {Kyoot} - Lauren (Purple)
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Sugar Rush Mesh Hair - Pancake
Body: CuteBytes - KID - Girl (ToddleeDoo)
Skin: (*ANGELICA) KANON :honeypink: beige brow (t)
Eyes: [UMEBOSHI] Lunar eyes -Dark Grey-
Vacuum Pose w/couch : *SN~ My Helpful Daddy ( at Pose Fair 2015)
Ice Cream pose:  *SN~ Sharing is Caring (at Pose Fair 2015)
Kitchen: Trompe Loeil - Timeless Kitchen Counter Green
Wall Art: A.D.D.Andel! Wall Decor: Heart -Red
Rug: Kuro - Rounded rug (B&W)

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