Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Hippo Nightmare

      Have you ever woken up with a song stuck in your head for no reason what so ever? That's right I am talking about an earworm. Well I had one for almost a week. What song do you ask? Well I was stuck with "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas", every morning for almost a week. This was torture. I mean I love some Christmas music, but yikes this was not a song to have stuck in your head. I thought maybe taking a picture relating to the song might erase it from my brain. I am not sure if it helped, but I did finally wake up with a different song in my head, "Jingle Bells". Luckily that only lasted a day. What songs have you woken up with in your head?


Tank: Tres Blah - Slumber Party Tank (Lara) - Grey
Shorts: Tres Blah - Slumber Party Shorts (Lara) - Wild Horses
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Kinsley Mesh Hair - A
Head: LAQ Bento - Cherry 3.05
Head Applier: [PF] <Vanilla> - Melody - LAQ Head Applier
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara

Hippo: {YD}Hippo Cute - Angry
Tree: Botanical - Green Douglas Fir Christmas Tree (at Tannenbaum)
Packages: dust bunny . present pile
Red Sofa: brocante. velvet sofa / red A
Grey Sofa: ChiMia:: Alexander Sofa
Rug: CMYK// Glory, Sad ending rug 1 (at Limit8)

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