Thursday, December 12, 2019

Snowball The Christmas Kitty

      Up at the North Pole there are special elves who take care of all the animals that Santa brings to all the good girls and boys...with parental consent of course. The elves in this department love their job, I mean who wouldn't want to spend all day playing with fluffy animals?

Snowball The Christmas Kitten

      The kitty is actually color change, so I picked a white kitten because my "Christmas Kitty" in my non-digital life is white. We were going to name him Kringle, but the name he had was Peanut and it stuck. He is a very spoiled little boy, just like I am sure this little Christmas kitten will be. It's hard for the elves to say goodbye to their tiny charges, and because of the magic of the North Pole, Christmas animals never age, they stay kittens and puppies till they get to their new homes. Could you imagine an energetic lab running around the workshop full sized? It would take out elves left and right! Time for this elf to have a cookie and hot cocoa break while you real the credits.

Outfit: *The Mystic*Winter Fur Coat with Kitten (Red) 
Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Miya hair
Head: LAQ Bento - Ivy 
Head applier: [PF] <Vanilla> - Kiyomi - LOGO Head Applier (Omega)
Ears: .random.Matter. - Iseul Ears - Elfie 
Eyes: AG. Seductive Eyes - Sky
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara 
Pose: Le Poppycock *Warm Fuzzies* A
Snow: [DDD] Shimmer Snow 

Forest: Simply Shelby Winter Mini Forest w/lights

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