Monday, August 11, 2008

Yes It Is Exactly What You Think It Is XD

I have had this dress in my inventory for a very long time, it made me giggle when I first saw it and had to buy it. Although immediately after buying it realised when does one where such a dress? What occasion could possibly come up that this dress would be appropriate? I decided that because I was in the mood to be weird and I needed a good laugh that today was just that occasion!

Do not adjust your screens ladies and gentlemen yes, what you think you are seeing on this dress is correct. This lovely pink dress from Ducknipple is the Weener dress. Yes. (waits for all the childish giggles to subside) You all still with me? ok good. I love Ducknipple, partially because the name is hilarious and mostly because the clothing and accessories there are fun! Once I put on the Weener dress I knew that the protection belts were a must. I mean I'm running around with weeners on my dress!! One must bring along the appropriate accessories just in case >:3. I'm also wearing the !* Rebel -X- *! FREE Crossed Bones Necklace because....ok at first glance of this dress I thought it was bones until I looked closer and discovered it kinda was XD. Oh and see my cute hair? I found this while wandering some japanese shops. It's from a small shop called ! [ - Ai Ni - ]. There isn't many styles in the shop but what is there is really cute!

Protection leg & arm- straps
Weener dress

!* Rebel -X- *! FREE Crossed Bones Necklace

! [ - Ai Ni - ] _ Hair Mii - Brown/Dark Brown (Brown)

Skin ::GP: Opaline-Scene

Boots: [LP] Toast Warriors

Ears: Illusions - Mystic Ear : Elfin/Naturals

Lip Piercing: [ElecTRo Kitty] Face Piercing - ALL SET (12 Piercing+Fangs) (Lip Rings 2)

Poses: [LAP]


Kesseret Steeplechase said...

I love that hair. I have all of them, I found the shop accidentally while browsing and naturally the creator took all my lindens. :D

Phire Zuhra said...

Hey as your bestie and bloggy partner why am I learning about the newness here and not when you got it?!!?!?!