Monday, June 30, 2008

Who gets strep in the summer?

Apparently I do. So I thought I would give my avatar the same look as I have in RL. I have been quarantined to the bed room for the next 24 hours till I am no longer contagious. I have been living on chicken soup, and lots of fluids. I tried to drink Gatorade but that stuff turns my stomach like nothing else! Here are a few pictures of me lounging about as I am stuck doing. I never feel more helpless then I do when I am sick.

Laying in bed watching tv, though there is nothing good on

eating my chicken soup, at least it is yummy

Jammie clad with messy hair is what you would see if you came over to my house right now. Scary sight I know.

Skin- gorgeous grape skin4 *mia* skins by miasnow
Hair-Anicia in blackberry- ETD
Pajamas-Embrace the Lazy pjs in teal –Nyte’N’Day
Ears-Fairy ear-drow- Illusions

Normally I would do the slurls, but that it just too much for me 
please excuse my not so lovely pictures and such, and keep and eye out for my future purple skinned posts!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

get better Miss Phire. ;_; I miss you!!!