Wednesday, July 2, 2008

An ElecTRo Kitteh haz a Death Note! Oh Noes!

ElecTRo Kitty is one of the places I used to frequent back in my neko days. Elec Tone makes some of the cutest Neko items on the grid. His items work well with any avatar, not just nekos and I have found myself time and time again wandering back to his shop to see what goodies he has ^_^ While browsing the feeds the other day I saw that Elec had a new hair out and decided that while I haven't been neko in a long time, it was time to revisit one of my favorite neko shops.
The AGEHA hair is Elec's newest offering and I love it. I think it was intended to be a boys hair? but it works well on girls too ^_^. I love the braided section and the wild look of it. While wandering his shop I came across one of the neatest things I've seen yet Fangs + lip Piercings. It's awesome! Now any neko/vampire/devil/demon/whatever doesn't have to sacrifice their precious mouth attachment space for one or the other. There are several options too. You can buy the fangs alone or the piercing alone or go all out and buy the 12 facial piercings + fangs. I highly suggest buying the fatpack, you are going to want it.
The North Jungle Knight boots and gloves are favorites of mine. Elec has a way with glow that simply amazes me. ;_; I wish you could see the glow on these but I can't figure out how to photograph it, forgive me Elec!!!!!
Ok all of that aside Elec is also a master of tiny prims! I have never seen anyone do work quite like him! The mental room Collar is a work of tiny prim mastery. My photo does not do it justice you have to see this for yourself.

While I'm on the subject of Japanese awesomeness, I came across the Shinigami Belt from Passionate Neko Dreams. If you have not seen the anime or the movie or read the manga of Death Note you are missing out. (Ok I only saw the movie because Ryuk freaked me out ;_; and I kinda sorta have a crush on L. >_> shhhhhhh)Anyways this belt includes not only a Death Note but apples to feed that scary Ryuk.

Since I went neko again for this post I decided to pick up a new set of Neko parts and paid a visit to [OMFG]to grab their Steam Neko Set. They are scripted to have puffs of steam rise from the ears and the tail flicks around. This store is awesome and you really need to go check them out. Really neat weapons and stuff there. I will definitely be back and will feature more of their stuff in the future ^_^

Time for the credits because I'm easily distracted....Oh hey! What's that shiny thing over there......

[ElecTRo Kitty]
[ElecTRo Kitty] Hair-AGEHA
[ElecTRo Kitty] Face Piercing - Lip Rings+Fangs+eyebrow
[ElecTRo Kitty] North Jungle Knight-NekoGlove
[ElecTRo Kitty] North Jungle Knight-NekoBoots
[ElecTRo Kitty] mental room Collar

Belt : Shinigamo-Belt-Death-Note Passionate Neko Dreams

Neko parts: [OMFG] Steam Neko Set

Eyes :*Reflex 13 Realistic Green Eyes 2C

SKin: []::Tuli::[] Emily [light/1] ~ coal (freckled)
group gift version, not sure if it's the same as instore version

Shirt : /artilleri/ zee tank top *red*

Pants: (CS) Jeans - Ultra Dark

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