Thursday, September 18, 2008

The new girl making the rounds

Yesterday Stephanie Misfit released her new line of skin over at La Sylphide named Erin. She is a lovely mix of hand drawing and photosourcing. I used the word lovely 'cause that is what Sakura called me in the skin :) I am enamored of this skin the moment I on a demo. So much so that I rushed over in a state of half dress to snag one. I of course bought it in the tan, but the light tone is just as fantastic. Have a look at a few for yourself.

upper row- Erin light brown- Erin Light Soft Pink
bottom row- Erin Light Smoky Crimson- Erin Smoky Fuschia

upper row-Erin Tan Cocoa- Erin Tan Dark Pink
bottom row Erin Tan Smoky Pale- Erin Tan Smoky Blood Red
As you can probably make out there are two style choices for the eyes, the natural and the smoky. The smoky gives you this sultry look that just scream sex appeal in my opinion. I may or may not have been running around in the smoky eyed red lipped skin today.

Oh yeah there is more to the body then just the pretty faces huh? Well being the erm through person that I am I did stare at myself in my birthday suit for a bit. Now this is not something I would normally say, but I think my kitty is kinda cute. It's nice and clean shaven and doesn't look like it was made to be a medical diagram. You will have to take my word on this or get a demo yourself cause I can't flashing you all! I will however let you have a look at almost all the rest.

Cute butt huh? Don't you just want to give it a smack or maybe a bite? Ouch! Hey not so hard! No freakish body builder abs on this girly which is good cause I onlt like my 6 packs on the boys or in my fridge. Okay I need to cut this short cause I have a kid calling from the tub.

Credits and stuff
Skin: La Sylphide Erin in light and tan
Hair: *Truth* Natalia
bikini: /Artilleri/ Leo from Bikini Baluba pack (no longer available)
poses: various from Striking Poses(sorry no SLURL I was in a rush)

PS Sorry for the blank post on the feed. I get a little scattered brained sometiimes.

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