Sunday, July 20, 2008

Endeavor (ing) to bring you the best

Every once in a while I find myself wandering about aimlessly, that is usually when I stumble across a shop I have never heard of or an article of clothing I just can’t live without. Recently I went over to Bijou to look at the skins and for the first time I actually stepped outside the doors. Why has no one told me there were other stores around??!?!?!

I wandered into Endeavor and while it may be a little shop the items are so lovely and different. Oh and fellas there is even a couple of things in there for you too. The first of what is sure to be many more purchases is this cute Striped Tunic dress in pink. Now I am not one for pink but this was just a nice shade and everyone needs to get out of their comfort zone every once in a while. This dress comes in a total of 6 colors, pink of course, orange, yellow, green, blue, gray and white. Not only are there 6 colors but two versions of the fat pack, one regular and one gift able!

The leggings are part of the pants layer, however they are copy/mod so you can “take off” the leggings if you desire as I did for the third picture.


Dress- Striped Tunic-pink--Endeavor
shoes- Fat Lulu-pink- Periquita outlet at Starlust
skin- Ingrid-light-Lust(RFL special edition)--La Sylphide
hair- Marigold- Calla
eyelashes- Wild Brush- Aphrodite Creations

*as always click on the picture for a better look*

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